7 Top Rated Facts About Wrinkle Creams For Men

Are there wrinkle creams for men? Of course they are but most of the creams that are used to deal with wrinkle are made for both men and women. Although a woman’s skin might be softer, it does not make it more susceptible to wrinkles or requires a special wrinkle treatment. The sources for wrinkles are the same regardless of the sex.

You might have some products claiming to be tailored specifically to treat men’s wrinkle but that is just for marketing because the reason for having wrinkle is the same for men or women. The examples that you will get below will also work for women as well.

As we age, it is normal for our skin cells to produce less collagen. Less production of collagen causes your skin to become looser and thinner, leading to wrinkles. However, taking good care of your skin can delay the onset of wrinkles. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using wrinkle. Good skin care begins with paying attention to your lifestyle. Certain lifestyle choices, such as skipping sunscreen, smoking, lack of enough sleep, and failure to embrace good skin grooming habits can cause your skin to age fast.

The following tips can help you achieve this important goal:

-Wash your face twice every day


Ideally, you should wash your face in the morning and at night. If you are engaged in any exercise, ensure you wash your face after finishing your routine. Use lukewarm water and your fingertips to clean your face, then rinse and pat dry. A cleanser that contains glycolic acid is very ideal because it helps slough off dead skin cells.

-Always remember to moisturize your skin

The importance of moisturizing your skin is to help keep it hydrated after washing. In addition, keeping your skin hydrated makes wrinkles less noticeable.

-Use creams that contain Retinol

Retinol helps boost the production of collagen in our skin cells. As we approach the age of thirty, the production of collagen begins to decline. The makes the skin to start losing its elasticity. However, using creams containing Retinol helps reverse this development. You should ideally apply Retinol cream at night because applying it during the day makes your skin more sensitive to UV rays, which can damage your skin.

-Go for non-ablative laser therapy

If the above procedures do not seem to bear much fruit, then you can ask your dermatologist to do a non-ablative laser therapy on your skin. This procedure helps tackle wrinkles, fine lines, as well as acne scars. This helps you get plumper and tighter skin.

-Massage your skin Regularly

This helps stimulate blood flow to the skin and temporality tightens muscles, thus making your skin appear tighter. Rub your skin gently in small, circular motions using your index and middle fingers. Do it daily because the results do not last for a long time.

Important facts to consider when buying anti-aging creams for men

There are some important facts that you need to consider when looking for the best wrinkle creams to buy. They include the following:

-A good wrinkle cream should contain AHAs (Alpha –hydroxyl acids) 

These ingredient help to exfoliate the dead skin cells while promoting the growth of new skin at the same time. AHAs are found in milk and fruits and for this reason, choose a wrinkle cream that contains these two ingredients.

– A good wrinkle cream should contain Antioxidants 

A wrinkle cream that contains antioxidants prevents your skin from getting damaged by the effect of free radicals. Good examples of well known antioxidants are Retinol and tretinoin, which are derivatives of vitamin A. Creams that contain these ingredients help keep the skin looking younger.

– A good wrinkle cream should contain Moisturizing Ingredients 

Moisturizing ingredients help make wrinkles less noticeable. This means that you should look for products that contain moisturizing ingredients. These ingredients are found naturally in avocado and olive oil; jojoba oil, grape seed oil, as well as almond oil. In addition, these ingredients do not clog skin pores and are therefore very ideal for your skin.

-A good wrinkle cream should have Consistency 

Buy a cream that absorbs well and is easy to apply. Leave out the ones that leave a greasy feeling or cause your skin y to look shiny. The best way to tell the ones that meet these criteria is through reading customer feedback online.

-A good wrinkle cream should not have a strong Fragrance 

Go for wrinkle creams that are fragrance free or the ones that do not have strong scents, especially those that are specifically made for men.

– A wrinkle good cream should have Sunscreen 

Creams that contain sunscreen are the best because they protect your skin against damage from UV rays. The ones with an SPF of 15 are the most ideal. These creams also prevent your skin from further damage, if it is already damaged.

Wrinkle creams for men that are bought while taking the above mentioned facts into account will certainly give you the desired results. You will soon notice a difference in the way your skin looks.


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